The number \(37\) has always been near and dear to my heart. Here I am listing an astonishing list of facts that make this number really stand out of the crowd (of natural numbers). I am not claiming that there is anything special about this number.... it's just that I fell in love with it!
- The number 37 is a prime number, and it is palindromic - meaning that if we flip around the digits you get another prime number (\(73\)). Read more ...
We're using the same technique of the previous post in which we showed that linear functions are injective. Again, all this is overkill, but I love exploring these avenues.
We are using this statement saying that if the output of a function on two numbers is equivalent, then the two numbers must be different. With some rearrangements (see this previous post) Read more ...
All linear functions are injective: a proof by contradiction using geometry and the unit circle
Showing that linear functions are injective is trivial, but using a proof by contradiction bringing up geometry is fascinating. After all, what really matters is the journey, not the destination!
We first bring up the definition of injective function Read more ...
Xander Pond's conjecture: primes have a wavy distribution because naturals are finite!
A recent news about the distribution of prime numbers brings back the memory of a videogame that I started developing a while ago.
The game was inspired by an interesting pattern I've observed in prime numbers. There are few "islands" of prime numbers with a striking symmetric distribution. Read more ...