Nullifying Dichotomies
2023-11-06 | tags : dichotomy, knowledge representation
Is it always possible to nullify a dichotomy? When tossing a coin, the outcome is either head or tail. However, head and tail are two faces of the same coin. In a sense, there isn't a split between head and tail as both belong to the same coin.
Let's try to think formally about this:
let \(A\) and \(B\) be two sets such that their elements follow distinct properties \(P(q)\) and \(Q(b)\)
$$A = \{a | P(a)\}$$
$$B = \{b | Q(b)\}$$
A Dichotomy is the union of the two sets \(D = A ⋃ B\)
The dichotomy is nullified if a relation between \(P(a)\) and \(Q(b)\) exists.
The generation of a dichotomy can be synthesized as:
$$ D = {a, b | p R q} $$
2024-05-03: update
The dichotomy can be nullified only if \((A ⋃ B) ≠ U\)